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The Faynan Centre for Prehistoric Research

The upper floor of Faynan Museum houses the Faynan Centre for Prehistoric Research. This was established in 2020 as part of a partnership between the Rewriting the Prehistory of Jordan (RPJ) project and the Department of Antiquities of Jordan. The RPJ project is a collaboration between the Universities of Yarmouk (Jordan) and the Universities of Oxford Brookes and Oxford (UK). It provides training in prehistoric archaeology to Jordanian early career researchers and Department of Antiquities staff.

The research centre provides accommodation (bedrooms, bathrooms and fully equipped kitchen) and research laboratories designed for the post-excavation analysis of archaeological materials.

It provides an ideal venue for small research teams who wish to study the prehistoric archaeology of Wadi Faynan and the wider region.

To book rooms/space in the centre please contact the Department of Antiquities of Jordan.

Rewriting the Prehistory of Jordan website:

RPJ trainer Wael Al Hajaj delivering a presentation in the research centre’s seminar room

RPJ trainees Jalal Haji, Mohammed Atoom and Yusef Abu Ali examining prehistoric stone tools using one of the research centre’s microscopes

RPJ trainees Mohammed Dabeen, Waseem Jaradat, Yusef Abu Ali and Raghad Khalayleh examining prehistoric stone tools in one of the research centre’s lab facilities