Arabian Warbler
Sylvia leucomelaena
Rare resident
Bones of unidentified warbler species found at WF16
The Arabian Warbler usually inhabits arid or semi-arid environments with dense groves of acacia trees. Because of overgrazing and habitat degradation, patches of acacia trees have become rare in Wadi Faynan, reducing the occurrence of the Arabian Warbler.
It mostly feeds on insects and can sometimes be seen hanging upside down on branches to take prey from crevices in the trees. Some remains of a warbler were found at the WF16 excavations, but it was not possible to identify them to a specific species. While it might have been the Arabian Warbler, it could easily have been the Scrub Warbler, or any of the other twenty-eight species of warbler that can be found in Wadi Faynan during migration.
Image credit: ‘Arabian Warbler’ by AGAMI Photo Agency from Alamy Stock Photo